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“Transmigration” is a photography project of mine in which I explore themes such as farewell, transition, and the journey of the soul. By combining real environments with the surreal depiction of a transparent silhouette, I aim to create a deeply moving and contemplative atmosphere. The scenes are meant to convey a sense of transience, as the person depicted bids farewell to a part of themselves or a memory.

Although I personally don’t believe in the existence of a god, I respect that faith in a higher power can provide comfort and support for many people. At the same time, I believe there are things beyond our human understanding—phenomena that are greater than ourselves. Perhaps the soul is something similar. I don’t know if the soul exist, but the thought that something metaphysical might remain after the end, something that continues to surround us, even if it’s invisible, is a comforting one.

How do you see it? What do you think when you see the pictures? Do you sometimes have the feeling that there is something you can’t explain? Leave me a comment below and share your thoughts on this topic.

Miarto – My kind of Art

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