On this page you will get an overview of my current work. As already mentioned, I don’t want to commit myself to a certain genre, but realize photographic projects that interest and challenge me. Some of my work is based on ideas that I have planned for a long time. Other ideas arise spontaneously, or are variations of projects where the circumstances were so favorable that it was worth to rethink the actual plan and do it in a different way. Before traveling, I do some research and plan which motifs are on location, which seem interesting to me and which may also fit my photographic interests. Nevertheless, I also remain spontaneous, if a special light situation is available, or simply because the opportunity is favorable.
With the portfolio published here, my photographic areas of interest are not exhausted. A photographic field of learning that I will try out is, for example, portrait photography.
My photos are for sale in small, exclusive editions (never more than 3-5 prints of a photo), as a print, on canvas or other formats.
Here you can find my store at Saal Digital: https://www.saal-digital.net/share/frLAgLi/