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“It can be seen clearly when it is bright, but its true purpose is revealed only when it shines through storm and darkness.”

Kimberly B. Kolbe

I am a coastal child, born and raised in Germany’s north near the mouth of the Elbe and the North Sea. Even during the time I didn’t live in Northern Germany I was regularly at the coast and the sea. Whenever I was there I “had” to photograph the local lighthouses. Lighthouses are not only a symbol of home, lighthouses are, in my opinion, the most beautiful buildings created by man.

The fascination for these structures I certainly share with many other people who live on the coast or visit it. After all, lighthouses not only have an important function in shipping, but are also cultural and tourist attractions.

However, the beauty of lighthouses lies not only in their shape and color, but also in their history and significance. Each lighthouse has its own history and is a witness of times gone by. They tell of brave lighthouse keepers, stormy sea conditions and dramatic rescues.

By photographing the lighthouses, I document not only their beauty, but also their history and significance. It is a way to express my attachment to the coastal region and its traditions. And it gives many other people the opportunity to learn about these fascinating structures and discover their own connection to them.

Miarto – My kind of Art.